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Week 2

5.5-5.6 Notes:

5.5 - Legal and Ethical Concerns

use of computing raises legal and ethical concerns material created on a computer is the intellectual property of the creator or an organization ease of access and distribution of digitized information raises intellectual property concerns regarding ownership, value, and use measures should be taken to safeguard intellectual property use of material created by someone else without permission and presented as one’s own is plagiarism and may have legal consequences some examples of legal ways to use materials created by someone else include:

creative commons: a public license that enables the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. This is used when the content creator wants to give others the right to share, use and build upon the work they have created. open source: programs are made freely available and may be redistributed and modified open access: online research output free of any and all restriction on access and free of many restrictions on use, such as copyright or license restrictions

the use of material created by someone other than you should always be cited creative commons, open source, and open access have enabled broad access to digital information as with any technology or medium, using computing to harm individuals or groups of people raises legal and ethical concerns computing can play a role in social and political issues, which in turn often raises legal and ethical concerns digital divide raises ethical concerns around computing development of software allows access to digital media downloads and streaming the existence of computing devices that collect and analyze data by continuously monitoring activities

5.6 – Safe Computing

risks to privacy can occur from collecting and storing personal data on a computer

personally identifiable information (PII) is information about an individual that identifies, links, relates, or describes them (includes age, race, phone numbers, medical info, financial info)

search engines can record and maintain a history of searches made by users

websites can record and maintain a history of individuals who have viewed their pages

devices, websites, and networks can collect information about a user’s location

technology enables the collection, use and exploitation of information about, by, and for individuals, groups and institutions

search engines can use search history to suggest websites or for targeted marketing

disparate personal data, such as geolocation, cookies, and browsing history, can be aggregated to create knowledge about an individual

PII and other information placed online can be used to enhance a user’s online experiences

PII stored online can be used to simplify making online purchases

commercial and government curation of information may be exploited if privacy and other protections are ignored

once information is placed online, it is difficult to delete

programs can collect your location and record where you have been, how you got there, and how long you were at a given location

information posted to social media services can be used by others; combining information posted on social media and other sources can be used to deduce private information about you

data sent over public networks can be intercepted, analyzed, and modified; one way that this can happen is through a rogue access point

a rogue access point is a wireless access point that gives unauthorized access to secure networks

a malicious link can be disguised on a web page or in an email message

Week 1

5.3-5.4 Notes:

5.3 Computing Bias

Bias exists in different computing innovations Computing innovations reflect human biases that already exist because of biases written into the algorithms or in the data used by the innovation Programmers should take action to reduce bias in algorithms used for computing innovations to combat existing human biases Biases can be used at all levels of software development

5.4 Crowdsourcing: Exploring the advantages of a computer’s reach

People participate in problem-solving processes at scale Widespread access to information and public data allows the identification of problems, development of solutions, and dissemination of results Science has been affected by using “citizen science” to solve problems Citizen science is scientific research conducted by distributed individuals, who contribute relevant data to research using their own computing devices Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining input or information from a large number of people via the internet Human capabilities can be enhanced by collaboration via computing Crowdsourcing offers new models for collaboration, such as connecting businesses or social causes with funding

Github Actions:

5.3 Computing Bias 1) I think that the owner did not think this was intentional 2) He did not think it was intentional 3) I believe this happened because of the lack of testing among different races 4) Yes I think this is harmful 5) To fix this, development teams should make sure they have more duverse teams to ensure everyone has a say and is not biased towards because of their race or ethnicity

5.4 Crowdsourcing: Exploring the advantages of a computer’s reach 1) A Crowdsource idea is asking a question through a poll on the slack channel because all of the CS students use that platform 2) For Del Norte crowdsourcing you could use a google form and send it our via canvas for all students to respond to

Data Structures Project: Link to Replit

Week 0

5.1-5.2 Notes:

5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects: Effects of a computing innovation can be both beneficial and harmful

People can create computing innovations The way people finish tasks usually changes to include new computing innovations Not every effect of a computing innovation can be predicted in advance A signal effect can be seen either as beneficial and harmful by different people or even by the same person Advances in computing have increased creativity in fields such as medicine and engineering
Computing innovations can have an long lasting impact Computing innovation can be used in ways that they were not originally intended Some of the ways computing innovations can be used may have a negative impact on society

5.2 Digital Divide: Specific issues contribute to the digital divide Essential Knowledge

Internet access changes between characteristics such as socioeconomic, geographic, and demographic The digital divide can reverse differing access to computing devices and the internet depending on characteristics listed above The digital divide affects both groups and individuals It raises issues of equity, access, and influence, both globally and locally The digital divide is affected by the actions of individuals and groups

GitHub Actions

5.1: 1) Some benefits of computing is that the internet allows for faster spread of information. However, this can also lead to misinformation and the spread of things that are not actually true. Another benefit is video games that can be used to play with people all over the world and can help people connect. However, this can lead to cyberbullying and expose children to dangerous people. Lastly, social media helps to connect with lots of people but accoutns can get hacked and become dangerous. 2) Dopamine directly relates to the pleasure we feel in the brain by neurotransmitters. I do think it is real because it distracts me from doing homework sometimes. FOr example, if I start watching a Netflix show, I want to keep watching because it keeps me engaged and happy and I end up watching multiple episodes instead of doing my work

5.2: 1) Someone could empower themselves in the digital world by being more familiar with technology and how they function 2) Someone that is empowered can help those who are not by sharing their knowledge and providing them with resources if possible. At Del Norte, I could help people who are not as familiar with computers and help them be more comfortable with them 3) Yes it is blocking digital empowerment because it restricts us from doing certain things. At Del Nirte the wifi restricts us from certain sites which prevents us from seeing our own websites in Computer Science