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Sponsor Requirements Tangibles Wireframes Home

Sponsor Information

Sponsor Review (conducted via factime call)

Sponsor Review

Our Sponsor, Tushar Chopra, is a current UC Berkeley student who is also working at Apple. He has given us requirements to make a website that can help college students with their daily lives and organization. Things like To-Do lists, grocery list help, timers, budget trackers can help college students like him be more organized.

Ideas from Sponsor:

  • A budget tracker
  • A to-do list
  • A calendar
  • A grocery list
  • A database for recipes
  • A packing list
  • A timer for their activities
  • An API for recipes
  • A map
  • Some games

Tangibles we’ve narrowed down to with Sponsor:

-Budget Tracker -Drag and Drop grocery list -Recipes API -Job search for college students